Teenager discuss! With Klaus Eisenack
On September 12, 2019, Klaus Eisenack was guest at the “Stiftung Jugend und Bildung“ / Eduversum Verlag.
Constantin Seidl at CoRE seminar
Paul Neetzow at the scholarship days of the Reiner Lemoine-Stiftung
Deutsche Welle "Keep Cool - a game to battle climate change?"
New paper on renewable energy policies in federal government systems
Green roofs are not all equal
Publication of Matteo Roggero
Transnational climate adaptation - Article: Strategic cooperation ...
Dr. Roggero awarded a travel grant by Fritz Thyssen Foundation
New paper on the interaction of prosumage and distribution grids
Climate clubs ... / Strategic cooperation ... Publications online now
European Association for Environmental & Resource Economists
Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop
Finals of Keep Cool World Championship
Economics of Climate Change
Neues Format für akademische Feier am Thaer-Insitut
Neuerscheinung: Eisenack, Klaus und Anja Wirsing: “Spielend in die Utopie"
Achim Hagen am ZEW und der Universität Mannheim
„Keep Cool“ in PNAS
CARB-ASIA - Kick-off Meeting in Bishkek, 29 March 2019
Stranded assets – what, where, who? - FoReSee-Workshop, March 26-27, 2019 in Berlin
Prof. Dr. Barbara Praetorius at CoRe
On March 19th, 2019 Prof. Dr. Barbara Praetorius (HTW Berlin) presented the findings and recommendations of the commission regarding energy transition at the Colloquium on Resource Economics (CoRE).
Prof. Dr. Insa Theesfeld ist neue Präsidentin der IASC
New discussion paper on the death spiral for the coal industry in the U.S.
THESys Award 2018 for Lea Fink
KEEP COOL mobile seeks World Champion!
Mendelevitch: New discussion paper on the financing and organization of the decommissioning of the German nuclear power plants published
Mendelevitch: New book chapter examines the role of network infrastructure in the transformation of the European electricity system
Position paper by Resource Economics Group calls for an ambitious coal exit ...
Position paper by Resource Economics Group calls for an ambitious coal exit based on a closure schedule