Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

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Position paper by Resource Economics Group calls for an ambitious coal exit ...

Position paper by Resource Economics Group calls for an ambitious coal exit based on a closure schedule



Don’t base the coal exit on an invisible hand

A position paper of the Resource Economics Group calls for an ambitious coal exit based on a closure schedule


Berlin, 07.01.2019


Without a closure schedule for shutting down and decommissioning lignite-fired power plants and open-pit mines, it will not be possible to achieve climate goals reliably and cost-efficiently, to overcome resistance and to prevent social upheaval. The now published position paper of the Resource Economics Group at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin explains why the phase out of lignite mining in Germany should take place before the end of steam coal-fired power generation. The remaining winners on the electricity market should contribute to financing structural change.


Further information about the position paper