Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender And Globalisation



PLATEFORMS is an international research project funded within the European SusFood2 network and consisting of 5 members located in Germany, Sweden, Norway and Italy.


PLATEFORMS aims to produce in-depth knowledge on how food practices are affected by socio-technical innovations in food provisioning platforms, and communicate success stories of sustainability to platform owners and policy makers. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the range of food provisioning platforms available to consumers. Each platform presents consumers with a unique choice architecture. These emerge from both e-commerce development and consumer-driven food provisioning. Little is known about the impact of these new platforms on food choices, or to what degree they represent new opportunities to promote sustainable food practices.


The project takes a socio-technical practice approach, seeing consumption in all its phases of planning, provisioning, storing, cooking, eating, and disposing – driven by practices more than by individual choices. Since these practices are highly gendered, especially the responsibility for care work, a gendered perspective will be central.