Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Agricultural Economics


Journal articles

  • Balmann, A. (2024): Landwirtschaft im nationalen Wettbewerb und die Rolle des Bodenmarktes, Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 104, Nr. 3, S. 148-152.
  • Eder, A., Salhofer, K., Quddoos, A. (2024): The impact of cereal crop diversification on farm labor productivity under changing climatic conditions. Ecological Economics, Volume 223, 108241.
  • Gatterer, M., Leonhardt, H., Salhofer, K., Morawetz, U. (2024): The legacy of partible inheritance on farmland fragmentation: Evidence from Austria. Land Use Policy, Volume 140, 107110.
  • Jänicke C, Müller D. (2024) Revealing agricultural land ownership concentration with cadastral and company network data. Agric Hum Values.
  • Jauernig, J., Uhl, M., Pies, I. (2024): When Goliath Sells to David: Explaining Price Gouging Through Power. Public Choice,
  • Leonhardt, H. (2024): How close are they? Using proximity theory to understand the relationship between landlords and tenants of agricultural land. Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 107, 103257.
  • Wesemeyer, M., Müller, D., Lakes, T. (2024): Reallocating crops raises crop diversity without changes to field boundaries and farm-level crop composition. Environmental Research Letters 19: 074071.
  • Jauernig, J., Brosig, S., Hüttel, S. (2023): Profession and residency matter: Farmers' preferences for farmland price regulation in Germany. Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • Jauernig, J., Uhl, M., Waldhof, G. (2023): Genetically Engineered Foods, and Moral Absolutism: A Representative Study from Germany. Sci Eng Ethics 29, 34.
  • Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S., Lakes, T., Wesemeyer, M., Wolff, S. (2023): Use Cases of the Integrated Administration and Control System’s Plot-Level Data: Protocol and Pilot Analysis for a Systematic Mapping Review. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(3/4): 168-184.
  • Meissner, L., Danne, M., Musshoff, O. (2023). Financial knowledge, attitude towards money and investment decisions: new insights for the farmland market. Applied Economics, 1-17.
  • Schaak, H., Meissner, L., Musshoff, O. (2023). New insights on regional differences of the farmland price structure: An extended replication study on the parcel size-price relationship. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 45(3), 1427-1449.
  • Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2023): Is there a risk of a winner’s curse in farmland auctions? European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbad002,
  • Seifert, S., Wolff, S., Hüttel, S. (2023): Eco-efficiency in the agricultural landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Agricultural Systems 2202, 104062.
  • Uehleke, R., Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S. (2023): Counterfactual evaluation of two Austrian agri-environmental schemes in 2014–2018. Agricultural Economics.
  • Unger, M., Lakes, T. (2023). Land Use Conflicts and Synergies on Agricultural Land in Brandenburg, Germany. Sustainability 15, 5.
  • Wesemeyer, M., Kamp, J., Schmitz, T., Müller, D., Lakes, T. (2023): Multi-objective spatial optimization to balance trade-offs between farmland bird diversity and potential agricultural net returns. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 345, 108316.
  • Appel, F., Balmann, A. (2022): Predator or prey? Effects of farm growth on neighbouring farms. JAE.
  • Buchholz, M.; Danne, M.; Mußhoff, O. (2022): An Experimental Analysis of German Farmers’ Decisions to Buy or Rent Farmland. In: Land Use Policy 120 (September 2022): Article number 106218.
  • Eder, A. (2022): Environmental efficiency measurement when producers control pollutants under heterogeneous conditions: a generalization of the materials balance approach. J Prod Anal 57, 157–176 (2022).
  • Humpesch, M.; Seifert, S.; Balmann, A.; and Hüttel, S. (2022): How does tenancy affect farmland prices? Effects of lease status, lease term and buyer type. Agricultural Finance Review.
  • Isenhardt, L., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2022): Tenant Favoritism and Right of First Refusals in Farmland Auctions: Competition and Price Effects. Land Economics.
  • Jänicke, C.; Goddard, A.; Stein, S.; Steinmann, H.-H.; Lakes, T.; Nendel, C.; Müller, D. (2022): Field-level land-use data reveal heterogeneous crop sequences with distinct regional differences in Germany. European Journal of Agronomy 141, S. 126632.
  • Kionka, M., Mußhoff, O., Ritter, M., Uhlemann, J.-P. R., Odening, M. (2022): Optimal Reserve Prices for Land Auctions in Eastern Germany. Applied Economics Letters.
  • Kionka, M., Odening, M., Wehrstedt, C. (2022): Bodenmarktspekulation ohne Landerwerb? – Zum Potenzial von Landderivaten. Berichte über Landwirtschaft.
  • Meißner, L., Kappenberg, L., Mußhoff, O. (2022). An Analytical Framework for Evaluating Farmland Market Regulation: Examining the German Land Transaction Law. Land.
  • Meißner, L., Mußhoff, O. (2022). Revisiting the Relationship Between Farmland Prices and Soil Quality. Q Open.
  • Meißner, L. Mußhoff, O. (2022). Transaktionen landwirtschaftlicher Nutzfläche in Niedersachsen: Die Bedeutung der nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Käufer im zeitlichen Verlauf. Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, 100(1).
  • Plogmann, J., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2022): Farm growth and land concentration. Land Use Policy.
  • Plogmann, J.M., Musshoff, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2022): Farmland sales under return and price uncertainty. Economic Modelling.
  • Schaak, H.; Mußhoff, O. (2022): The Distribution of the Rent-price Relationship of Agricultural Land in Germany. In: European Review of Agricultural Economics 49 (3): 696-718.
  • von Hobe, C.F..; Mußhoff, O. (2022): On the Effectiveness of Restricted Tendering as a Form of Policy Intervention on Agricultural Land Markets. In: Land Use Policy 103 (April 2021): Article number 105343.
  • Weltin, M., Hüttel, S. (2022): Sustainable Intensification Farming as an Enabler for Farm Eco-Efficiency?. Environ Resource Econ.
  • Balmann, A., Graubner, M., Hüttel, S., Müller, D., Odening, M., Plogmann, J. M., Ritter, M., Seifert, S. (2021): Market Power in Agricultural Land Markets: Concepts and Empirical Challenges. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(4).
  • Fiebig, E.M. (2021): On data-driven choice of λ in nonparametric Gaussian regression via Propagation–Separation approach. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 154.
  • Hinrichs, N., Kolbe, J., Werwatz, A. (2021): Using shrinkage for data-driven automated valuation model specification – a case study from Berlin. Journal of Property Research.
  • Kionka, M., Odening, M., Plogmann, J. M., Ritter, M. (2021): Measuring Liquidity in Agricultural Land Markets. Agricultural Finance Review.
  • Kolbe, J., Schulz, R., Wersing, M., Werwatz, A. (2021): Real estate listings and their usefulness for hedonic regressions. Empirical Economics.
  • Schaak, H.; Mußhoff, O. (2021): Public Preferences for Pasture Landscapes and the Role of Scale Heterogeneity. In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics 70 (3): 182-191.
  • von Hobe, C.F..; Michels, M.; Mußhoff, O. (2021): German Farmers’ Perspectives on Price Drivers in Agricultural Land Rental Markets - A Combination of a Systematic Literature Review and Survey Results. In: Land 10 (2): Article number 180.
  • Wolff, S., Hüttel, S., Nendel, C., Lakes, T. (2021). Agricultural Landscapes in Brandenburg, Germany: An Analysis of Characteristics and Spatial Patterns. International Journal of Environmental Research, 1–21.
  • Braito, M., Leonhardt, H., Penker, M., Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, E., Thaler, G., Flint, C.G. (2020): The plurality of farmers’ views on soil management calls for a policy mix. Land Use Policy 99, 104876.
  • Curtiss, J., Jelínek, L., Medonos, T., Hruška, M., Hüttel, S. (2020): Investors’ impact on Czech farmland prices: a microstructural analysis. European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbaa029,
  • Eder, A., Salhofer, K., Scheichel, E. (2020): Land tenure, soil conservation, and farm performance: An eco-efficiency analysis of Austrian crop farms. Ecological Economics 180, 106861.
  • Grau, A., Jasic, S., Ritter, M., Odening, M. (2020): The Impact of Production Intensity on Agricultural Land Prices. Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies Vol. 29. https.//
  • Graubner, M., Ostapchuk, I., Gagalyuk, T. (2020): Agroholdings and land rental markets: a spatial competition perspective. European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbaa018,
  • Leonhardt, H., Braito, M., Penker, M. (2020): Why do farmers care about rented land? Investigating the context of farmland tenure. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 76(1):89-102.
  • Odening, M., Hüttel, S. (eds.) (2020): Agricultural land markets – recent developments, efficiency and regulation’. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Special Issue, 48(1). ISSN 0165-1587.
  • Odening, M., Hüttel, S. (2020): Introduction to the special issue ‘agricultural land markets – recent developments, efficiency and regulation’. European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbaa023,
  • Salhofer, K., Feichtinger, P. (2020): Regional differences in the capitalisation of first and second pillar payments of the CAP into land rental prices. European Review of Agricultural Economics, jbaa028.
  • Seifert, S., Kahle, C., Hüttel, S. (2020): Price Dispersion in Farmland Markets: What Is the Role of Asymmetric Information? American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

  • Ritter, M., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Seifert, S. (2020): Revisiting the relationship between land price and parcel size in agriculture. Land Use Policy 97.
  • Plogmann, J., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2020): What Moves the German Land Market? A Decomposition of the Land Rent-Price Ratio. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(1): 1-18.
  • von Witzke, K. Filler, G., Odening, M., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2020): Auktionen als Transaktionsform für landwirtschaftlichen Boden. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 98(2).
  • Croonenbroeck, C., Odening, M., Hüttel, S. (2019): Farmland Values and Bidder Behaviour in First-Price Land Auctions. European Review of Agricultural Economics.
  • Grau, A., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2019): Land price diffusion across borders – The case of Germany. Applied Economics.
  • Jauernig, J., Pies, I., Thompson, P., Valentinov, V. (2019): Theorizing agriculture-society tensions: an ordonomic approach to the agrarian vision. Sustainable governance and management of food systems: Ethical perspectives. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Jauernig, J., Valentinov, V. (2019): CSR as hypocrisy avoidance: a conceptual framework. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 10(1), 2-25.
  • Leonhardt, H., Penker, M., Salhofer, K., (2019): Do Farmers Care About Rented Land? A Multi-Method Study on Land Tenure and Soil Conservation. Land Use Policy 82:228-239.
  • Yang, X., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2019): The Spatial and Temporal Diffusion of Agricultural Land Prices. Land Economics 95(1): 108-123.
  • Myrna, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2019): The influence of wind energy and biogas on farmland prices. Land 8(1).
  • Gagalyuk, T., Valentinov, V. (2019): Agroholdings, turbulence, and resilience: The case of Ukraine. Journal for East European Management Studies 24(3):484-496.
  • Schaak, H., Mußhoff, O. (2019): Public Preferences for Pasture Landscapes in Germany—A Latent Class Analysis of a Nationwide Discrete Choice Experiment. Land Use Policy, November, 104371.
  • Appel, F., Balmann, A. (2018). Human behaviour versus optimising agents and the resilience of farms – Insights from agent-based participatory experiments with FarmAgriPoliS. Ecological Complexity.
  • Kieninger, P.R., Gugerell, K., Biba, V., Auberger, I., Winter, S., Penker, M. (2018): Motivation crowding and participation in agri-environmental schemes - the case of the Austrian ÖPUL-programme in vineyards. European Countryside 10(3), 355-376.
  • Mauerhofer, V., Ichinose, T., Blackwell, B.D., Willing, M.R., Flint, C.G., Krause, M.S., Penker, M. (2018): Underuse of social-ecological systems: A research agenda for addressing challenges to biocultural diversity. Land Use Policy 72, 57-64.
  • Helbing, G., Shen, Z., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2017): Estimating location values of agricultural land. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 66(3): 188-201.
  • Yang, X., Ritter, M., Odening, M. (2017): Testing for Regional Convergence of Agricultural Land Prices. Land Use Policy 64: 64–75.


This metadatabase provides an overview of available datasets related to agricultural land markets. It includes information on the included variables, the spatial and temporal coverage, and the accessibility of the datasets.

Policy briefs

  • Jänicke, C., Balmann, A., Müller, D. (2024): Wem gehört das Land? FORLand Policy Brief 07(2024).
  • Hüttel, S., Balmann, A., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Seifert, S. (2024): Was bestimmt die landwirtschaftlichen Bodenpreise in Deutschland? - Ergebnisse empirischer Analysen der Kaufpreissammlungen. FORLand Policy Brief 06(2024) Special Management Edition.
  • Appel, F., Balmann, A., Filler, G., Jänicke, C., Odening, M., Schmidt, L. (2023): Stellungnahme zum Entwurf des Gesetzes zum Erhalt und zur Verbesserung der brandenburgischen Agrarstruktur. FORLand Policy Brief 05/2023.
  • Balmann, A., Odening, M. (2021): Lassen sich regulatorische Eingriffe in Bodenmärkte mit Marktmacht und Flächenkonzentration empirisch begründen? FORLand Policy Brief 04/2021.
  • Balmann, A. (2020): Agrarstrukturgesetzentwurf Sachsen-Anhalt: Faktencheck und Einordnung. FORLand Policy Brief 03/2020.
  • Leonhardt, H., Penker, M. Salhofer, K. (2018): Pacht und Bodenschutz: Ein Widerspruch? FORLand Policy Brief 02/2018.
  • Odening, M., Hüttel, S. (2018): Müssen landwirtschaftliche Bodenmärkte vor Investoren geschützt werden? Eine ökonomische Perspektive. FORLand Policy Brief 01/2018. zugleich: Agra-Europe 1.Oktober 2018 - Nr. 40 Länderberichte/Sonderbeilage/Deutschland S. 1-6.

Technical papers

  • Njiru, R., Appel, F., Dong, C., Balmann, A. (2024): Application of Deep Learning to Emulate an Agent-Based Model. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand Technical Paper 3-2024.
  • Müller, D., Rufin, P., Schwieder, M. (2021): Quantification of Ownership Concentration from Cadastral Records of Agricultural Land in Märkisch-Oderland. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand Technical Paper 2-2021.
  • Schmitz, T., Müller, D. (2020): Digitale Karte der Bodenwertzahlen für Brandenburg. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand Technisches Papier 1-2020.

Seminar papers

Working papers

  • Eder, A. (2024): The effect of land fragmentation on risk and technical efficiency of crop farms. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 31(2024).
  • Burchfield, E., Ferro, M., Hüttel, S., Lakes, T., Leonhardt, H., Niedermayr, A., Rissing, A., Seifert, S., Wesemeyer, M. (2024): Towards a comprehensive analysis of agricultural land systems: What can we see with publicly available datasets in the EU and US?. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 30(2024).
  • Graubner, M., Hüttel, S. (2024): Rental and sale prices of agricultural lands under spatial competition. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 29(2024).
  • Seifert, S., Hüttel, S., Werwatz, A. (2023): Organic cultivation and farmland prices: Does certification matter?. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 28(2023).
  • Leonhardt, H., Braito, M., Uehleke, R. (2021): Who participates in agri-environmental schemes? A mixed-methods approach to investigate the role of farmer archetypes in scheme uptake and participation level. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 27(2021).
  • Eder, A. (2021): Environmental efficiency measurement when producers control pollutants under heterogeneous conditions: a generalization of the materials balance approach. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 26(2021).
  • Kionka, M., Odening, M., Plogmann, J., Ritter, M. (2020): Measuring Liquidity in Agricultural Land Markets. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 25(2020).
  • Plogmann, J., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2020): Farm growth and land concentration. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 24(2020).
  • Wolff, S., Hüttel, S., Nendel, C., Lakes, T. (2020): Identifying Agricultural Landscape Types for Brandenburg, Germany using IACS Data. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 23(2020).
  • Hinrichs, N., Kolbe, J., Werwatz, A. (2020): AVM and High Dimensional Data - Do Ridge, the Lasso or the Elastic Net provide an 'automated' solution? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 22(2020).
  • Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2020): Common values and unobserved heterogeneity in farmland auctions in Germany. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 21(2020).
  • Schaak, H., Mußhoff, O. (2020): A geoadditive distributional regression analysis of the local relationship of land prices and land rents in Germany. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 20(2020).
  • Kolbe, J., Schulz, R., Wersing, M., Werwatz, A. (2020): How useful is listings data for research? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 19(2020).
  • Buchholz, M., Danne, M., Mußhoff, O. (2020): An experimental analysis of German farmers´decisions to buy or rent farmland. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 18(2020).
  • Lakes, T., Garcia-Marquez, J., Müller, D., Lakner, S., Pe’er, G. (2020): How green is greening? A fine-scale analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in Germany. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 17(2020).
  • Vergara, F., Lakes, T. (2019): Maizification of the Landscape for Biogas Production? Identifying the Likelihood of Silage Maize for Biogas in Brandenburg from 2008-2018. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 16(2019).
  • Braito, M., Leonhardt, H., Penker, M., Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, E., Thaler, G., Flint, C.G. (2019): The Plurality of Farmers’ Views on Soil Management Calls for a Policy Mix. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 15(2019).
  • Leonhardt, H., Braito, M., Penker, M. (2019): Why do farmers care about rented land? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 14(2019).
  • Gornig, M.,Werwatz, A. (2019):The potential for industrial activity among EU regions - an empirical analysis at the NUTS2 level. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 13(2019).
  • Heinrich, F., Appel, F., Balmann, A. (2019): Can Land Market Regulations fulfill their Promises? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 12(2019).
  • Kahle, C., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2019): Price dispersion in farmland markets: What is the role of asymmetric information? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 11(2019).
  • Weltin, M., Hüttel, S. (2019): Farm eco-efficiency: can sustainable intensification make the difference? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 10(2019).
  • Grau, A., Jasic, S., Ritter, M., Odening, M. (2019): The Impact of Production Intensity on Agricultural Land Prices. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 09(2019).
  • Ritter, M., Hüttel, S., Odening, M., Seifert, S. (2019): Revisiting the relationship between land price and parcel size. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 08(2019).
  • Kolbe, J., Schulz, R., Wersing, M., Werwatz, A. (2019): Land value appraisal using statistical methods. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 07(2019).
  • Leonhardt, H., Salhofer, K., Penker, M. (2018): Do Farmers Care About Rented Land? A Multi-Method Study on Land Tenure and Soil Conservation. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 06(2018).
  • Plogmann, J., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2018): What Moves the German Land Market? A Decomposition of the Land Rent-Price Ratio. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 05(2018).
  • Schaak, H., Musshoff, O. (2018): Public preferences for pasture landscapes and the role of scale heterogeneity. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 04(2018).
  • Grau, A. Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2018): Land price diffusion across borders: The case of Germany. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 03(2018).
  • Croonenbroeck, C., Odening, M., Hüttel, S. (2018): Farmland Values and Bidder Behavior in First-Price Land Auctions. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 02(2018).
  • Yang, X., Odening, M., Ritter, M. (2018): The Spatial and Temporal Diffusion of Agricultural Land Prices. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. FORLand-Working Paper 01(2018).