Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik

Anna Heitger


Foto Anna Heitger


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural and Food Policy Group
Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin

Visitors’ Address:
Philippstr. 13, House 12, Room 70, D-10115 Berlin

E-Mail: anna.heitger(at)
Phone: +49 (0)30 2093 46319
Fax: +49(0)30 2093 46321

IFST: Social cohesion, food and health

Research Interests | Projects | Selected Publications | IFST: Social cohesion, food and health |


Doctoral candidate

  • Institute of European Ethnology
  • IRI THESys Graduate Program

Research interests

Food and more-than-human eating practices, Transformations of Human-Environment Relations in the Anthropocene, Ethnography at the intersection of Anthropology and STS

Work Experience and Education

  • since 05/2023: IFST: Social cohesion, food and health: Inclusive food system transition

  • 10/2019: Doctoral researcher Food4Future, IRI THESys, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  • 03/2017-10/2019: M.A. Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna

  • 10/2017-01/2019: Student assistant, University of Vienna

  • 10/2012-12/2016: B.A. Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna

  • 01/2012-06/2012: Relaciones Internacionales (B.A.) Universidad del Valle de México, Puebla, Mexico

PhD Project

Food4Future – An ethnography of future eating practices


IFST: Social cohesion, food and health: Inclusive food system transition

Selected Publications

  • Heitger, Biedermann, Niewöhner (2021): More-than-human eating. Reconfiguring environment|body|mind relations in the Anthropocene, in Berliner Blätter 84, 35–48.

  • Heitger, Anna (2019): Practices of Self-tracking Technologies in Usage and Design. Individual Strategies and Normative Projects of Objectification. University of Vienna.


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